
Showing posts from April, 2020


In the first weeks of sheltering in place I decided it was time to clean my bedroom but sometimes the task zapped my energy causing me to stop which gets me nowhere. It is a vicious cycle, I tell ya! A short backstory: The past year or so I have utilized YouTube for "meditation videos." They are soft, relaxing music matched to peaceful and beautiful nature videos/photos; they have done a lot of good in my self-care life. So, being my usual silly self I grabbed my Xfinity remote control and said, "Cleaning Motivation Videos on YouTube."  Did you know that there are actual videos of people cleaning their houses? The video is sped up so the cleaning process goes much quicker than in real time but it is "a thing!" I saw a few different videos and then ended up on the YouTube account:  This Crazy Life  ran by a woman named Amanda. I loved how visually appealing her home was, the music she used as video of her cleaning played, and her before and after footage...