
27 Years

On this day, 27 years ago, we moved to Santa Cruz. We’re spending this 27th anniversary in quarantine and in-spite of what has happened over the many weeks due to Covid-19 I still see how we are daily blessed.  We have each other, our own space (which is important when you need alone time,) luxuries, meals on the table, our health, and our backyard to sit in silence and soak up the sun or read a good book. 27 years ago I could smell the lemon blossoms and it soothed my anxious mind. Today, due to Covid-19, my min d is anxious again but that sweet smell from the lemon tree grabs my attention and takes me back to that calming moment reminding me that things will work out as long as we do our part. I’m just ever thankful for the sanctuary of my home. Here are some moments in the backyard that I took snapshots of this evening: - my reading view - our lemon blossoms - my hydrangeas growing more blossoms

What does JOY look like to me?

A list: - Sunflowers, always sunflowers. - Dancing like a fool - Cooking dinner with the kitchen curtains open and the golden hour spilling into the room while sounds of Sam Cooke or Nat King Cole play - Laughing around the dinner table - Game nights - Backyard movie nights - A gooooood book - Washi tapes, planners, stickers, markers, etc - A drive along the coast on a beautiful day - Going to the farmers market - Mexican food - Themed parties - Naps - Phone calls over texts message (you just laugh more!) - Hardcover books - Movies - Silly, made up traditions - YouTube Meditation Videos - Giving a great gift - Clean and organized spaces - etc What would be on your list?


In the first weeks of sheltering in place I decided it was time to clean my bedroom but sometimes the task zapped my energy causing me to stop which gets me nowhere. It is a vicious cycle, I tell ya! A short backstory: The past year or so I have utilized YouTube for "meditation videos." They are soft, relaxing music matched to peaceful and beautiful nature videos/photos; they have done a lot of good in my self-care life. So, being my usual silly self I grabbed my Xfinity remote control and said, "Cleaning Motivation Videos on YouTube."  Did you know that there are actual videos of people cleaning their houses? The video is sped up so the cleaning process goes much quicker than in real time but it is "a thing!" I saw a few different videos and then ended up on the YouTube account:  This Crazy Life  ran by a woman named Amanda. I loved how visually appealing her home was, the music she used as video of her cleaning played, and her before and after footage...

Welcome to Accio Joy!

If there is one thing I desire, seek, and welcome into my life it is JOY. I also love to read. One of the first series I read was Harry Potter and I loved watching the movies so I think it is safe to say after all these years I am a Potterhead. Accio is from the Harry Potter world. It is a summoning charm. I want to always be in the habit of summoning joy to my life. Hence: Accio Joy. This is an account of my summoning joy in my life. I do not want to settle on enduring til the end but enjoying til the end. Even in times like these, covid-19, I always want to seek joy as there is enough madness in the world.