What does JOY look like to me?

A list:

- Sunflowers, always sunflowers.
- Dancing like a fool
- Cooking dinner with the kitchen curtains open and the golden hour spilling into the room while sounds of Sam Cooke or Nat King Cole play
- Laughing around the dinner table
- Game nights
- Backyard movie nights
- A gooooood book
- Washi tapes, planners, stickers, markers, etc
- A drive along the coast on a beautiful day
- Going to the farmers market
- Mexican food
- Themed parties
- Naps
- Phone calls over texts message (you just laugh more!)
- Hardcover books
- Movies
- Silly, made up traditions
- YouTube Meditation Videos
- Giving a great gift
- Clean and organized spaces
- etc

What would be on your list?


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